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    Muito Bom!

    Sem vocês seria tudo muito mais difícil. Confio e indico sempre que possível pois vocês fazem a diferença.

    Marta Campos

    Tudo o que eu precisava..

    Fantástico atendimento. Extremamente atenciosos e dedicados em fazer com que a gente se sinta melhor.

    Cristiano Medeiros


    Depois e uma noite de desespero fui muito bem acolhida ppr uma psicóloga no telefone que me encaixou numa consulta no mesmo dia.

    Consegui também consulta para minha filha com outra psicóloga, eles indicaram um psiquiatra muito bem.

    Amo essa atenção que todos dessa clínica me dão

    Obrigada por tudo ♡♥

    Ana Carla

    Dias para viver

    Final do ano está próximo como consequência passo a refletir sobre o meu ano. Que ano pesado foi esse, mas nesse momento consigo olhar e dizer foi. Quando iniciei meu tratamento na Dias para viver, achei que nunca iria poder falar dessa maneira.
    O que me levou à clínica foi uma situação de fim de relacionamento e desemprego.
    Nas primeiras consultas eram lágrimas e mais lágrimas e isso se estendeu por um período.
    Logo minha psicóloga me informou que eu estava em um quadro de depressão. Eu pensava dessa forma: como depressão?!!
    Depressão não é só quem fica em casa sem fazer nada? Eu me alimento, tomo banho, me arrumo. Eu não posso estar em depressão.
    Porém eu sentia uma grande vontade de morrer, frequentes pensamentos suicidas, não via perspectiva alguma em minha vida, achava a vida uma droga, vivia por viver e que não havia cores nela.
    Até que a Adriane (minha psicóloga) me apresentou os óculos desajustados, ela dizia assim: Janaína você pensa dessa forma, pois é como se você estivesse usando óculos em que as lentes estão desajustadas e com elas você só enxerga branco e preto. Precisamos ajustar essas lentes.
    Acho que ela me falou umas três vezes sobre esses óculos, eu tentava aceitar aquilo, mas achava meio ilusório. Hoje eu entendo, pois, as cores voltaram.
    Houve momentos muito críticos em que a Adriane soube interceder na hora certa. E hoje eu percebo como isso foi importante para mim.
    Eu fico muito feliz em ter encontrado uma profissional que nunca desistiu de mim e com a experiência necessária para me apoiar nesse momento.
    Importante também ressaltar, que estou fazendo uso de medicamentos, resisti muito, mas a Adriane soube me orientar de como isso é importante para minha recuperação.
    Está sendo muito importante me entender e descobri que tudo que sofria desde a adolescência é pelo fato da depressão.
    A cominho é longo, mas a vitória é certa. Nunca desista de você mesmo.

    Janaina Carvalho Pereira

    Preciso trabalhar

    Boa tarde, sou terapeuta em algumas áreas e gostaria de saber se vocês tem espaço para free-lance ou necessitam de terapeutas?


    Marcelo Carbone Ribeiro

    Psicologa Comportamental para criancas com TDAH

    Boa tarde!
    Gostaria de saber se vcs tem alguma profissional comportamental para crincas com deficiencia intelectual leve e TDAH?
    Gostaria tbm de saber se atendem convenio…o meu é sul america !
    Aguardo retorno .


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    Qual seria o melhor dia para conversarmos a respeito?


    Tatiana Yumi – Novos Negócios | Consultora de Marketing Digital

    Conheça a Wax Web:

    Tatiana Yumi


    Boa noite, tudo bom?!
    Sou recém formada em psicologia e recentemente comecei a atender. Gostaria de saber se há possibilidade de contratação ou parceria com a clínica, para trabalho.
    Agradeço desde já,
    Mariana L.

    Mariana Libano Anselmo


    Bom Dia,
    estou a procura de uma vaga em recepção em consultório. Tenho experiencia. e moro próximo .
    gostaria muito de uma oportunidade.

    Simone Branco


    Bom Dia,
    estou a procura de uma vaga em recepção em consultório. Tenho experiencia. e moro próximo .
    gostaria muito de uma oportunidade.

    Simone Branco

    Vaga para Psicóloga

    Coloco- me à disposição para agendamento de entrevista.

    Cristiane Queiroz

    Terapia de Casal

    Precisamos Urgente

    tamires da silva porto

    Problemas com insônia

    Tenho insônia todas as noites e quando durmo acordo muito cedo e não consigo pegar no sono novamente

    Vanda Miranda Damacena de barros


    Bom dia!
    Gostaria de saber sobre vagas de Psicologia

    Francileide de Sousa Santos


    Em 2009 passei o ano complicado bullying e hoje isso não me sai da cabeça é como se estivesse enraizado por incrível que pareça lembro todos os dias teve um momento que não sentia nem meus pés no chão. ..
    Sair nem pensar…Só em pensamentos , como eu queria ir em tal lugar… Quero mas não consigo, e quando chego a ir me sinto mal.

    Rosinete Andrade


    Bom dia, gostaria de saber os valores para uma analise psicológica e para as demais consultas.

    Gabriel Queiroz de Souza


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    Brasileira- 30 anos
    Rua Jornalista Claudio Abramo, 21- Vila Guarani
    São Paulo – SP – CEP 04307-040
    Email: CEL: (11) 98694-9256

    Psicóloga, Almoxarife e Recepcionista

    Experiência em estoque de loja, reposição de peças do comércio varejista, auxílio na limpeza e organização do local.
    Experiência como estagiária de Psicologia, atendimento psicológico para toda a demanda de pessoas, orientação profissional a jovens, oficinas terapêuticas no Hospital psiquiátrico, psicoterapia e psicodiagnóstico na clínica da Unip, Acompanhamento terapêutico para promover a reinserção social da paciente em condições de vulnerabilidade social.

    Graduação em Psicologia- Unip
    Ano de conclusão: 07/2022

    Empresa: TVZ – Shopping Paulista/ Shopping Cidade São Paulo
    Cargo: Estoquista
    Período: 10/2014 a 09/2016
    Atividades realizadas: Plastificar as peças, repor mercadorias, organizar o estoque, fazer plaquetas e manter a limpeza do local.

    Hospital psiquiátrico: CAISM Philippe Pinel
    Estagiária de Psicopatologia
    Período: 02/2020 a 11/2020

    Elaboração e aplicação de oficinas terapêuticas na ala feminina de casos agudos e na ala de pacientes com longo período de internação. Tais atividades consideravam a subjetividade dos pacientes envolvidos, visando o resgate do ser sadio e auxílio no processo de reinserção social desses.

    Clínica: Centro de Psicologia aplicada- Unip
    Estagiária no Psicodiagnóstico
    Período: 02/2020 a 11/2020

    Realiza atendimento clínico (psicodiagnóstico), com visitas escolar e domiciliar, hora lúdica diagnóstica, devolutiva (livro de histórias) para a criança e relatório final aos pais.

    Estagiária em intervenções clínicas breves na abordagem Psicanalítica, Acompanhamento terapêutico e Orientação profissional
    Período: 02/2021 a 11/2021

    Realizo sessões psicoterápicas para o paciente, como analista realizo intervenções clínicas para oferecer suporte ao ego, orientação profissional juntamente com projetos e testes vocacionais referente ao respectivo processo de amadurecimento e autoconhecimento de adolescentes acerca da carreira profissional, acompanhante terapêutico estabelecendo autonomia e reinserção social da acompanhada.

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    Curso de inglês
    Instituição: CNA
    Ano de conclusão: 7/2013
    Nível: Intermediário

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    Talento da Agência: Dilson Stein
    Período: 7/2022 a 8/2022

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    In today’s virtual age, possessing a strong online presence is essential for businesses to triumph. As the quantity of websites continues to increase exponentially, it becomes progressively challenging to be distinct from the masses. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes into action. In this documentation, we will investigate the significance of SEO advancement for websites in the UK, offering numeric evidence to demonstrate its crucial role in online marketing strategies.

    The Importance of SEO Advancement

    1. Amplified organic traffic

    SEO acts a important role in directing organic traffic to websites. Based on current statistics, organic search results still generate the majority of website visits, with a staggering 53.3% share worldwide (source: BrightEdge, 2021). In the Britain, this number is anticipated to be even greater, given the country’s high internet penetration rate. By optimizing a website’s information, structure, and comprehensive user experience, SEO enhances its appearance in search engine results, leading to a rise in organic traffic.

    2. Cost-effective marketing approach

    Put side by side to other marketing methods, SEO boost offers huge cost savings. Typical advertising channels, like print or TV, often need substantial financial investments while offering limited targeting abilities. SEO, on the other hand, enables businesses to reach their target crowd rightly. By concentrating on specific keywords and optimizing website content, businesses can attract pertinent traffic without the need for expensive ad placements. This makes SEO an appealing option for businesses of all sizes, including startups and small enterprises.

    3. Enhanced brand presence and credibility

    A powerful online presence not only increases presence but also enhances brand credibility. Studies have demonstrated that users tend to trust websites that appear on the first page of search results more than those on subsequent pages (source: Advanced Web Ranking, 2021). Investing in SEO promotion helps websites rank higher, signaling authority and reliability to potential customers. Establishing credibility through SEO also leads to amplified brand recognition, as users are more likely to share trustworthy websites across various platforms.

    4. Long-term sustainability

    One of the distinctive benefits of SEO promotion is its long-term sustainability. Unlike funded advertising, which provides immediate results but stops once the budget runs out, SEO efforts have a lasting effect. By consistently optimizing website elements and generating high-quality backlinks, businesses can maintain their search engine spots over time. This leads to a continuous stream of organic traffic and ensures a steady stream of potential customers.

    In summation, SEO boost is an vital part of effectively promoting websites in the Britain. The statistics brought up in this document clearly highlight the importance of contributing in SEO as an integral component of online marketing strategies. By amplifying organic traffic, providing cost-effective marketing schemes, amplifying brand visibility and credibility, and offering long-term sustainability, SEO enables businesses to achieve their goals in an gradually challenging digital landscape. Therefore, it is important for businesses to prioritize SEO boost to maximize their online triumph.

    – DVMAGIC.EU, (2023). SEO UK Enhance Your UK Website’s Reputation
    – BrightEdge. (2021). Organic Search “Still Drives the Majority of Website Traffic, Globally”. Retrieved from
    – Advanced Web Ranking. (2021). What Is the Click-Through Rate for Each Position in Google Search Results? Retrieved from


    Mastery of the Necessary Essentials

    When it involves learning a new skill, the venture is never utterly over without a firm grasp of the principles. This echoes especially true in the realm of language services, like Russian-English transliteration. This unique skill is not only about understanding both languages; rather, it’s a extensive expertise that requires language-related precision, cultural understanding, and circumstantial knowledge.

    Understanding Russian translation can often be a difficult task. The Russian language, abundant in its own unique syntax and grammar laws, must be adeptly bridged with the English language, taking heed to preserve the original message and all its integral nuances. The center of understanding this translation process lies not only in word-for-word translation but also in understanding the cultural differences that mould the way we use and comprehend language.

    Successful Russian translation entails multiple stages, such as decoding the source language, understanding the meaning, and then re-encoding that meaning using the correct vocabulary and structure in the target language, all the while maintaining the original message’s tone, style, and intention. It’s a sensitive process that requires a deep and insightful understanding of the two languages.

    Applying Professional Approaches for Russian Translation

    A vital component of Russian translation is being aware of the varying text types and niches. The demands of commercial translation will vastly differ from literary translation – each necessitates a separate set of skills and in-depth knowledge. But irrespective of the text type, understanding the subtleties of both Russian and English remains central.

    Of course, technology can be a worthwhile ally in the translation process. Computer-aided tools and online dictionaries can streamline some aspects of the job. However, they should not supplant human translators. The nature of language is intrinsicly human, laden with feeling, cultural connotations, and situational context. While these nuances might be apparent to a native speaker, they can easily be missed by a machine translator.

    The key to top-notch Russian-English translation involves blending both these elements. Let technology ease the process, but guide it by human interpretation and comprehension. By considering each piece’s specific nature and leveraging the right mix of human skills and technology, you can offer extensive, exact, and culturally sensitive Russian translation.

    Traversing your way through Russian translation is without doubt complex, but with a solid understanding of both linguistics and cultural nuances, success is just within reach. As you undertake on this fascinating journey through language, remember, each word, phrase, and sentence is a key to reveal another dimension of understanding and communication. Embrace this key, and open up a new world of possibilities.

    Finding out the huge potential of Russian-English translation enhances your perspective, expands your skills, and zooms in on the global demand for professional Russian translation. Put money in mastering this art and prepare to impress with your proficiency, accuracy, and cultural understanding.



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    Very important function of one incapacity lawyer in impairment court proceedings.

    Engaging the aid of a lawyer for disabled individuals for claims related to disabilities in the city of Albuquerque possesses great value. Individuals who seek the help of a attorney for disabilities in disability court trials can obtain innumerable benefits and precious support during the process of claiming disabilities. These legal professionals possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and expertise to successfully sail through the intricacies of the law system and stand up for their clients’ best welfare.

    One of the principal responsibilities of a lawyer for disabled individuals in trials regarding disabilities requires adeptly guiding and overseeing the court proceedings. Lawyers for disabled individuals shine at sailing through the complexities of trials related to disabilities, which can be intimidating for those unacquainted with the law system. By employing the aid of a lawyer for disabled individuals, individuals with disabilities significantly improve their chances of success in courts dealing with disabilities.

    Throughout legal processes concerning disabilities, a lawyer for disabled individuals plays a pivotal and dynamic role in offering essential support. They dynamically work together with clients in compiling and lodging claims applications for disabilities, petitions, and appeals, making more efficient the procedure and guaranteeing all required records is accurately provided. Additionally, disability attorneys offer critical support during trials regarding disabilities, employing their specialist expertise of laws pertaining to disabilities and guidelines to supply counsel, recommendations, and advocacy.

    The advantages of acquiring a disability attorney for disability claims are varied. These legal professionals offer knowledgeable guidance and recommendations, arming their clients with a upper hand in trials regarding disabilities. Through their in-depth grasp of the legal landscape, attorneys specializing in disabilities can successfully navigate the intricate network of rules and legislation governing claims related to disabilities, guaranteeing that their clients’ rights are safeguarded and their optimal interests are advocated for.

    Moreover, lawyers for disabled individuals facilitate the process of claiming disabilities, alleviating the load on individuals with disabilities. They serve as supporters, liaising with administrative bodies, insurance companies, and other applicable entities on behalf of their clients. This holistic aid allows individuals with disabilities to direct on their well-being and individual concerns, knowing that their claims related to disabilities are being handled with utmost care and attention to detail.

    In the setting of disability claims in the city of Albuquerque, it is vital to acknowledge the special knowledge presented by attorneys specializing in social security. These lawyers focus on social security laws and regulations, making them precious resources for individuals looking for social security disability benefits. Social security lawyers have thorough knowledge of the detailed regulations and procedures governing social security disability claims, enabling them to offer customized advice and counsel to their clients.

    By acquiring a attorney specializing in disabilities, individuals with disabilities gain access to a plethora of assets and assistance. These legal professionals serve as devoted champions, persistently fighting for their clients’ entitlements and benefits. Disability attorneys understand the difficulties faced by individuals with disabilities and strive to ensure they obtain the disability benefits they should rightfully have.

    In conclusion, the choice to secure a disability attorney is a vital one for individuals with disabilities looking for disability entitlements in Albuquerque. These attorneys play a vital function in streamlining the legal system, optimizing the likelihood of success in court proceedings related to disabilities, and providing knowledgeable guidance and recommendations tailored to their clients’ unique conditions. – Proficiency of Sokolove Law in managing disability cases


    Optimizing area with small patio styles inside alpine areas

    Developing tiny decks in alpine locations demands a careful approach to making the most of space, considering the unusual struggles delivered by the alpine terrain. The method features various approaches, varying from the picking of compact accessories to the integration of dual-purpose elements, all aimed at enhancing the capability of constrained areas. Engaging in discussions that examine particular design ideas, innovative storage options, and discussing individual triumphs becomes a source of creative inspiration for forum members seeking to enhance their little deck spaces amidst the characteristic landscapes of highland areas.

    Choosing compact furniture stands as a fundamental element of designing small decks, permitting individuals to make the most of the usable area without neglecting on functionality or aesthetics. integrating multi-functional elements further enhances the adaptability of compact deck spaces, providing functional solutions that cater to varied needs. These strategies together contribute to a holistic method that takes into account both the visual appeal and practicality of compact decks in mountainous areas.

    Partaking in discussions that delve into specific design plans becomes a trigger for creativity, supplying a platform for people to share innovative ideas and solutions tailored to mountainous environments. The discourse encompasses creative storage options, addressing the challenge of limited space with useful and attractive approaches to organization. Individual success stories exchanged within the group turn into useful narratives, illustrating the practicality and capacity of optimizing compact deck spaces in the distinctive context of mountainous locations.

    By using this collaborative exchange, forum members gain useful insights and a abundance of ideas to apply to their own compact deck projects, ensuring that per inch of space is considerately employed in generating functional, attractive, and productive outdoor living areas in mountainous spaces.

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    Clean Electricity as a Answer to Electricity Safeguarding Worries from Matthew D’Agati

    Matt Michael D’Agati acts as the proprietor of Renewables Worldwide, a renewable energy Firm in MA.

    A handful of decades ago, embarking on a leap of faith, Matthew D’Agati stepped into the world of alternative energy, or in a moments commenced successfully selling significant amounts of power, predominately inside the commercial sector, partnering with solar farm developers and local businesses in the “architecture” of their plans.

    Ongoing social networking just in the manufacture, led Matt to be a part of a nearby start up two age before, and in a short time, he assumed the role of their Chief Strategy Officer, responsible for all process and work development, in addition to being marketed social group title.

    Over planned collaborations and sheer run ethical code, Matt D’Agati elevated that company from a marginal earliest-year income to in excess of a 2 hundred% help improve in arrant sales revenue by day two. On that premise, Renewables Worldwide’s (RW), a veteran soldier-managed company, was made with the business of giving sustainable stamina options for a more intelligent and more maintainable future.

    Even more specifically, recognizing there is a specific market in the markets and a better way to obtain successes, RW’s is one of a handful of firms in the states to highlight on customer transferred property, focusing in both commercialized and residence using solar energy park off-take. Your vision is to create a deals infrastructure on a community-based, statewide, countrywide level, offering a multitude of renewable strength features in the of RW.

    This enthusiasm in ones renewable industry carries on to charge and inspire Matthew in continuous his search to work with groups that display the the exact same of giving replenish-able electric treatments for a extra ecological forthcoming future. Matthew needs their in company from Hesser College.

    A closer look at global energy trends and the role of green energy, explained by Matthew dagati.


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